CORNET CONCERTO - Solo & piano, SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano

CORNET CONCERTO - Solo & piano, SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano
Availability Available
Published 1st July 2018
Cat No. JM102774
Price £19.95
Composer: Martin Ellerby
Category: SOLOS - B♭. Cornet/Trumpet with Piano

Duration 12.00

This work was commissioned by, and is dedicated to, The Triangle Brass Band of North Carolina, USA and their director of music, Tony Granados.

The first performance was given by Jens Lindemann ( cornet ) with the Triangle Brass  of North Carolina, USA and their director of music, Tony Granados. on 18th. of March 2012 in the Meymandi Concert Hall, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

The first UK performance was given by Richard Marshall 9 cornet ) with the BLack Dyke Band conducted by Nichoilas Childs on 26th. January 2014  in the Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, as part of the RNCM Festival of Brass. This live performance was subsequently broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on 4th. February 2014.

Martin Ellerby writes :
The work is intended to be a bright, optimistic and lyrical concerto, accessible to players and audiences alike and completes my set of five concertos designed for key chairs of a brass band : in order of writing -
Tuba ( Eb Bass )
Tenor Horn

The work falls into three contrasting movements :

01. BRILLANTE - A traditional sonata form is adopted and adapted, the two subjects being firstly a lively fanfare type figure followed by a second cantabile theme. These ideas are worked out until eventually a cadenza section is reached which is followed by a coda which, though concluding is light in dynamics.

02. ARIETTA - The emphasis is placed on legato phrases and an overall singing quality from both soloist and accompanist who share the material in lyrical partnership.

03. RONDINO - Another traditional form, rondo, is employed for the finale and here attention is turned to rhythm with contrasting changes of metre creating a restless journey towards a dynamic, and this time certain conclusion.

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