FOUR MUSKETEERS - Brass Quartet - Parts & Score, NEW & RECENT Publications, Quartets

FOUR MUSKETEERS - Brass Quartet - Parts & Score, NEW & RECENT Publications, Quartets
Availability Available
Published 3rd February 2021
Cat No. JM105688
Price £14.95
Composer: David Harington
Categories: NEW & RECENT Publications, Quartets

The Four Musketeers was commissioned in 2011 by ‘Eminence Brass' and was composed by David Harrington who, at the time, was studying composition at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.
Episodic in character and energetic from the start, The Four Musketeers conjures a story of bravado and romance with soloistic fanfare motifs, binding the instruments of the quartet together in a dance-like scherzo. 
Harrington writes in a fantasy sound world which is quirky in nature yet has an underlying expressive and romantic quality.

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