CHRISTMAS CARILLON - Parts & Score, Christmas Music

CHRISTMAS CARILLON - Parts & Score, Christmas Music
Availability Available
Cat No. JM40437
Price £47.50
Composer / arranger: James Curnow
Category: Christmas Music

Based on "Ding Dong Merrily on High".

The sound of bells at Christmas is an indigenous part of the festive season. Bells in church steeples, on street corners, in department stores and even on Christmas trees seem to represent the joy and spirit that prevails throughout the holidays. Christmas Carillon portrays the excitement of the arrival of the Christ-child, as angels sang, shepherds watched and surely, bells must have rung!
The traditional carol Ding! Dong! Merrily on High is featured along with the clanging and ringing in, of the festive season.
Ding! Dong! Merrily on High in heav’n the bells are ringing, Ding! Dong! Verily the sky is riv’n with angel singing. Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

Jubiloso (joyously) is the directive that sets the tone for this bright and energetic opener. Since the tempo is not extremely fast, an extremely detached approach to the staccato quarter note ostinato will be crucial to the success of this piece. There are many contrasting styles including legato, staccato and marcato and many fast paced dynamic changes. Careful attention to these details will help to give the piece the characteristic flare and buoyancy required.

There are three verse and chorus presentations at measures 5, 27 and 59, with a grand finale at measure 83. The developmental interlude from measure 39-59 is based on several short phrases of the melody. Each of these motifs must be projected above the ensemble when they appear.

Samples available

Audio samples
Christmas Carillon Christmas Carillon

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