SAGA of HAAKON the GOOD, The - Score & Parts, TEST PIECES (Major Works)

SAGA of HAAKON the GOOD, The - Score & Parts, TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Availability Available
Published 4th June 2008
Cat No. JM48404
Price £96.95
Composer: Philip Sparke
Category: TEST PIECES (Major Works)
Difficulty level: Championship
Set as the 1st. Section Tespiece for the 2008 National Finals in Harrogate.

To hear audio extracts of the four sections of this work, click on the "MORE DETAILS" button opposite.

This work, which has four main defining sections performed as a continuous work, was commissioned by by Frei Hornmusikk from Norway to celebrate the joining of the two neighbouring Kommuner of Frei and Kristiansund, which took place on the 1st. of January 2008.

The piece traces the key events in the life of Haakon the Good (c,920 - 961), later to become King Haakon1 - The Future King - who had been fostered by King Athelstan of England as part of a peace agreement made by his father. The English King brought him up in the Christian Religion, and, on the news of his father's death, provided him with ships and men for an expedition against his half-brother Eirik Bloodaxe, who had been proclaimed king of Norway. On his arrival he travelled north - The Journey to Trondheim - where he began to gain support of the landowners by promising to give up the rights of taxation his father had previously claimed.

Erik's sons allied themselves with the Danes, but were invariably defeated by Haakon, who was successful in everything he undertook except in his attempts to introduce Christianity to the country - The Missionary King - which aroused an opposition he did not feel strong enough to face.

One of the most famous victories was The Battle of Rastarkalv ( near to Frei )in 955. By placing ten standards far apart along a low ridge (to give the impression that his army was bigger than it actually was) he managed to fool Eirik's sons that they were out-numbered.
The Danes fled and were slaughtered by Haakon's army.

If you enjoyed listening to these four audio extracts and want to hear the complete performance of this work, then you can do so by purchasing the CD entitled "MUSIC for BATTLE CREEK - The Brass Band Music of Philip Sparke" on Anglo Records AR022-3, featuring the Black Dyke Band conductor Dr.Nicholas Childs.

Samples available

Audio samples
01 The Future King 01 The Future King
02 The Journey to Trondheim 02 The Journey to Trondheim
03 The Missionary King 03 The Missionary King
04 The Battle of Rastarkalv 04 The Battle of Rastarkalv

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