CHRISTMAS FINALE, A - Parts & Score, Christmas Music

CHRISTMAS FINALE, A - Parts & Score, Christmas Music
Availability Available
Published 19th June 2009
Cat No. JM49614
Price £34.95
Composer: Paul Lovatt-Cooper
Category: Christmas Music

As the title suggests, A Christmas Finale provides an ideal close to any Christmas concert. Paul Lovatt-Cooper has taken a collection of popular works associated with Christmas and expertly crafted this wonderful piece to provide both the listener and performer with an exciting Christmas musical experience.

A note from the composer; "I love the magic of Christmas. I find the whole experience exciting, from the handing out of presents to the movies shown on television. However, it is the music I love the most, from Christmas carols to Christmas number ones, it all adds to the unique atmosphere and sense of joviality associated with this wonderful time of year. A Christmas Finale captures my yuletide emotions and will hopefully provide enjoyment for you too! Merry Christmas."

A Christmas Finale was composed at the request of Nicholas Childs and Black Dyke Band and recorded by the same performers on CD24782 The Black Dyke Christmas Carol.

A Christmas Finale

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